Muhammad Tawfiq from Hamedan district and his suffering from malnutrition - Medical Mercy Foundation

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Muhammad Tawfiq from Hamedan district and his suffering from malnutrition

In the remote village, 20 kilometers away from Sana’a, Haji Tawfiq Muhammad Omar, the father of the child Muhammad, lives in the Al-Mahjar neighborhood in Hamedan district. He struggles with the difficult conditions and poor economic conditions that forced his family to stay sometimes for hours without food. While Umm Muhammad was struggling to support her husband in managing the affairs of the house, she was She also takes care of her child, Muhammad, who she thought had a weak body and that he had to live with life in this way. Umm Muhammad says, "I thought that Muhammad had to live with life with his weak body, and I did not know that death was waiting for him." Because of the awareness that the community health volunteers working for Medical Mercy do, I realize Abu Muhammad threatened his son with deadly malnutrition, and he rushed to Hamedan General Hospital, where he was received by the health worker of the facility, who works within the project to combat malnutrition diseases, which is implemented by Compassion, funded by the World Food Program (WFP).
Muhammad weighed only 4.8 kilograms upon entry, embodying the human tragedy that Yemen is going through in light of the war, the blockade, and the interruption of sources of income, as children suffer from deadly malnutrition diseases with a great lack of capabilities, which endangers the lives of thousands of children.
Muhammad began to receive treatment on an ongoing basis and to receive nutrition envelopes on a weekly basis. Muhammad's mother talks about this period by saying, "I used to see him like a flower that blooms in front of me, praise and gratitude be to God for everything. Finally, I saw Muhammad recovering after I slept at night waiting for the moment of his death. This is a great joy and I extend my thanks." To the Compassionate Food Program and all the facility workers.”
Umm Muhammad speaks and summarizes the days of hardship and her looks, which rejoiced at Muhammad's recovery. Words fail to express the level of joy that radiates from her, as if he was happy about the arrival of an absent person after he was hopeless of his arrival.
Muhammad now weighs 7.2 kilograms, and his life and the lives of his parents have become better than before, which is the change and hope that we seek to permeate Yemeni society in general.